The news has been filled with such sorrow
falling from grace
hero to scoundrel
in less than 140 characters.
The eyes of the beholders filled with hate or defense or shame…
armchair quarterbacks chime in…..
“I would have”…
“he should have”….
“they could have”….
“crucify…. crucify” some call out….”off with their heads”
“there is no place for them here, now…”
and others sit back in abject disbelief…. and just shake their heads and wonder why…. “how did it come to this….?”
“why here…?”
“why now….?”
And a congregation mourns its loss
a team, its boss
a child his choice…
And many are left to sort through the debris of
power and its misuse….fingers pointing, every way looking for who is to blame…
Lives are ruined, hearts are broken and a nation watches in primetime disbelief as the ticker races below the Republican Debate….”Joe must go! ”

It is sad when a god dies…and resurrection is not in the plan…
Power can be a dangerous tool an instrument of death….
yes…. it is so so sad when a god dies with no chance of a resurrection.